About my experience writting blogs I can say that was a very funny way to become better in english in general, cause it helps my to get know how to write some words that I can say at loud but I didn't know how to write it and also help me to get better to express my selft in english, like, writting and talking.
It was a all new experience to me, including talk in class and chat whit my partners, cause in my old school we didn't do that, we just write what the teacher write in the whiteboard , and then we listen to her for hours , and I can say that a half of my classmates didn't lear anything. Sometimes my teacher don't even do anything in his classes or didn't knew basic things ,like, how do you say '' pesadilla'' in english, so , whit that , we didn't learn to much. All the people that knew something in that class was for his own way, so , this way to lear was a very good and helpful way, I really love to do this classes , I learn a lot and I pass a good time going on this!
I didn' know what else we can talk in this section now because my brain is fried in this moment whit the close of semester, but I can say that talk in general about our selft experience in diferent topic was very funny enought, so any topic looking from our experience is a good idea !


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