It's hard to me choose one place that could be my favorite place to go, or the place that I always want to meet , cause until now I did'nt haved to travel a lot so I don't feel this curiosity for go to other places , but if I have to choose another place to meet and live I would choose Finlandia , mostly because they have a beautifull goberment and education system , and good laws and rights for workers , so , about life quality . it's gorgeous.

As for what I know about this country, It's not a lot really , talking about her traditions and the way they lives , a don't know much, I just know that it's a very cold place , whit beautifull landscapes and that in some moments you can see the northern lights.

About what I would like to do there, I think that I would like live in there, for what I say before, this country is a nice place to live. Also, I would like walk and meet his nature, this place have a lot of vegetation and I love that.

If I live in there , I would like work on the same that I have been studying here in Chile, doing design and having a little place in a central place to sell my stuff.


  1. I would like to visit Finland someday too, but mostly because the northern lights, me neitherknow that much about Finland, but I think I would like to study there because his system education and the quality of life.


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