About an embarrasin moment , is hard to me choose one, because I have lived a lot of that moments and I don't know wich of them I can tell. Everyones I remember now are awful, but I will try to remember someone softly to write so, here we go.

When I was a little kid , I was very good to pee all the time , so this theme  was really hard to me when I started to go to the school , cause as we know , we had schedule to go to the bathroom, especially in kindergarden , I remember that we go all together , girls and boys, so it was very awkawrd, so , one day I really want to go and a girl told me that we can go , that the teacher left us and that she will go whit me, and I trust in she whitout even know her cause I really want to go.

We enter in the bathroom and, I have to mention that there was no doors, just the toilet and in front of this , big mirrors and the sinks, so , my partner went to wash his hands and I go to pee , and just at that moment the teacher get in the bathroom , ask us what are we doing , cause it was obviously a drug transaction ( dumb question ) and she tell us that we have to come back to class. The other girl don't have any problem because she was only washing her hands , but I was putting down my pants and started to pee , so , cause always the world get angry whit me for peeing all the time , I just pull my pants on , and come back to the classroom, and clearly I pee myselft. I don't tell this to anyone and I was whit wet pants all the fucking day.

I think that for that kind of things I love that part of the university, cause I can go when I want and is beautifull for all the damage that school did to my bladder.


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