Postgraduate Studies

Honestly I didn't planed do a postgraduate cause , I don't know , I'm not really in to it, it never was on my plans , so , for fill this post, I will talk about what I would like to learn in the future, that are more like a workshop that anything. So, between the things I would like to learn, one of them is a driving course , because I think that is an important thing , usefull. I don't want to learn it for go everywhere with a car, cause I don't want to contribute to the contamination, also cause I'm poor and I will be a designer , so, I don't have a car right now and I will not spend all my money in gasoline in the future jeje. I addition to this, I would like know how to fix a bike, like, in all the ways I could, all the adjustment that bikes need. I want make my bike my principal transporter, and could resolve any problem that shows up without have to go to an bike shop. I think that's all, cause all the things that I want to do in some moment I already did it or I got it from the university, so , there's not so much thing more, I guess that in the future I will have some other ideas, if we don't die of thirsty jeje, joke about the end of the world -w- , so, that's all folks!


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